FoCal Comparison Data - Reikan FoCal Help

FoCal Comparison Data

FoCal Comparison Data is a unique feature of Reikan FoCal. By using uploaded results data from millions of user tests, we build profiles of how camera and lenses perform in the real world, and let you compare your equipment performance with the typical values of other users.

We also use the uploaded data to produce an overview of general performance of cameras and lenses at (more info below)

Note: FoCal Comparison Data is available for FoCal Pro/Commercial users and requires you to be within your Included Updates Period.

How is the data produced?

When you run a test, if the Upload Results to Reikan option is enabled your numerical results are uploaded to Reikan. This information does not include any pictures, just the measurement results for your camera and lens at various apertures, focal lengths etc as the test runs.

We take the information uploaded by thousands of FoCal users and aggregate the data for the same camera/lens combination together, giving an average view of a whole bunch of performance metrics – like aperture profile, lens sharpness, focus consistency and more.

Where can I see FoCal Comparison Data?

When available for your camera/lens combination, the FoCal Comparison Data can be seen in two main ways.

First, overlays on the charts show the typical metrics for other users.

Second, the Typical tab shows more details about how your measured metrics compare to the set of other users.

FoCal IQ

FoCal IQ ( gives a general view of how cameras and lenses perform based on the information uploaded by FoCal users.

You can dig into aggregated metrics for autofocus performance, lens quality, aperture performance and more on the website.

Where data is available, there are also links to FoCal IQ data within the FoCal application.